Syndromes of the ANS - Part 2 : Harlequin Syndrome
Harlequin Syndrome / Harlequin effect
Harlequin syndrome is a condition characterized by asymmetric sweating and flushing on the upper thoracic region of the chest, the neck, and the face.
This syndrome is related to other syndromes of the nervous system. Patients of 4 related syndromes have started a website:
The related syndromes are: Holmes-Adie Syndrome, Harlequin Syndrome, Ross Syndrome and Horner's Syndrome...
Patients can exchange experiences at Facebook:
Just ask the admin permission to join the group....
We hope to get in contact with more patients and with medical specialist who are interested in our syndromes."
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Holmes Adie pupil tonic ross harlequin effect Autonomic Nervous System ans Horner