Harlequin Ichthyosis

There's the link to the website I was reading off of. Click it and try to learn something.

To clear it up, I may be catholic but I support everyone and all of their religions out there. I just don't support idiots who run around posting those stupid comments like "OHMYGODYOURDUMBFORYOURCHOICEINRELIGION". No, I have never dealt with a Harlequin child in my family; and I hope none of you must watch this child suffer as well. It's a terrible occurance, and it's something that should never go and be put upon anyone in the world. On the back of my head is a hat, so my hair isn't black randomly out of all the brown. Yes I'm wearing make up who cares almost everyone does now a days. Now I'm not American, I just pick up accents very easily. It's a curse, in my opinion.

If you have questions, read the page I'm providing. If they aren't there you can ask me and I'll do my best to answer them."


harlequin ichthyosis syndrome system Skin condition snake babies mimieileen Oh

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