Video Choquante

Elephant Man

Elephant Man

Opération d'un homme difforme, en Asie

Elephant Man opération difforme

Bebe con dos cabezas

Bebe con dos cabezas

Bebe que sufre una malformacion en la cual desde su cabeza sale otra que no tiene cuerpo.

baby two head

Bebé Cíclope en La Paz, Bolivia

Bebé Cíclope en La Paz, Bolivia

La ci­clo­pía es una mal­for­ma­ción con­gé­ni­ta pro­duc­to de una al­te­ra­ción de cro­mo­so­mas que fu­sio­nan los ojos en un úni­co ojo cen­tral. Visita: ...

Ciclopía cíclope bebe



Extrait de l'émission sur TEVA, mon chirurgien ce héros

Medical Skin chrirugical



video sur la greffe de visage et autre malformation génétique


Worst Case

Worst Case

Description: oh my gosh... baby deformed due to genetic issues, missing 30 to 40 percent of the bones in her face...

disease monster ugly genetic bones face surgery alien sick wonder medicine cleft lip

uncle chuck

uncle chuck

Uncle chuck had his eye removed.

strange intense odd freaky disturbing

20 kilo tumor, removed from mans face, new world record.

20 kilo tumor, removed from mans face, new world record.

A Chinese man recovers from surgery that removed part of his facial tumours, which weigh more than 20 kilogrammes in total. A Chinese man says he is relieved ...

Medical record facial tumor cancer china sergery plastic

The Girl with Two Faces | One in Fifty Million | Channel 4

The Girl with Two Faces | One in Fifty Million | Channel 4

The condition that Lali was born with is exceptionally rare | Visit the official website at ...

bodyshock c4_documentaries Call channel four channel4 condition double faces fifty Ganesh goddess two Channel 4

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