
Zaki record du monde

Zaki record du monde

Sport record du monde Remdane zakaria"

sport record du monde Remdane zakaria

Most bowls broken with one finger in one minute

Most bowls broken with one finger in one minute

The most bowls broken with one finger in one minute is 99 and was achieved by Fan Weipeng (China) on the set of Zheng Da Zong Yi - Guinness World Records ...

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Il s'explose la tete sur un trampoline

Il s'explose la tete sur un trampoline

Humour, Sport, Sexy, People et insolite sur : Ce mec saute sur un trampoline et tombe comme un abrutis. Il s'est explosé ...

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plus de video insolite sur"

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Walk on water (Liquid Mountaineering)

Walk on water (Liquid Mountaineering) Liquid Mountaineering is a new sport which is attempting to achieve what man has tried to do for centuries: walk ...

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worst sport accident

worst sport accident

pole vaulting accident, gets hit in the nuts"

sport accident pole ball nuts

Scary accidents compilation caught on video! Part Two

Scary accidents compilation caught on video! Part Two

Check out our other channel - Scary accidents compilation caught on video Bus crash- ...

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Mixed Car crashes, accidents and sport accidents - FUNNY

Mixed Car crashes, accidents and sport accidents - FUNNY

a bunch of dumbasses.... o.o were talking crashes, accidents, injuries, car crashes, mistakes and just plaine stupidity. The song is taken from adioswap, ...

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extreme sports accident

extreme sports accident

extreme sports accidents. What extreme sports are about.......

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toutes les bagarre dans le football

toutes les bagarre dans le football

toutes les bagarre de l'anné au football

Foot Bagarre sport yanis

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