
HoloToy iPhone Hologram - first 3 holograms

HoloToy iPhone Hologram - first 3 holograms

Demo of an interactive hologram. Portable 3D, no glasses required - now available on the AppStore. ...

iPhone ipod hologram 3d App kode80 HoloToy Apple AR augmented

Holographic iPhone

Holographic iPhone

Made a small video edit from a iphone with hologram function. Edited with Hitfilm Ultimate. Twitter: @pixelizedFX"

iPhone hologram App mod 3d holographic 4s iPhone 4 modifier mods

3D hologram app for iphone 5

3D hologram app for iphone 5 Guy demonstrates a new iPhone app that projects a moving 3D hologram on top of the iPhone's surface. It also works on ...

video for 3d iPhone hologram App iPad projection whoisthebaldguy bald

3D Hologram Application for Iphone!!!

3D Hologram Application for Iphone!!!

Here you can download the new application for iphone to make holograms 3D. Download link: To install just ...

iPhone Holography touch App 3d

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