Patalpani Accident, Indore India (Live)

Three members of a family were drowned as flash flood caused a sudden flow of water in the famous Patalpani waterfall near Indore.
Patalpani waterfall is a famous picnic spot near Indore, and the Rathi family members, who had gone there to enjoy a quiet Sunday, had no inkling of a disaster awaiting them.
The water current caught all the five people & three of them Chhavi, Chandrashekhar & Mudita downed dead, while local people rescued Mudita's brother and another youth.
The video was taken by a local tourist Gaurav Patidar.
This video is not for any popularity of my channel or publicity.This video teaches us sometimes extra-bravery or disobeying caution/rules can cause this type of horrible accidents.


In live Do died accident people Patalpani Indore India waterfall

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